Virtual appointments for clients in Texas and New Mexico.

Find your freedom.
Enjoy every moment.

Affordable therapy for children, adolescents, and adults.

Find your freedom.
Enjoy every moment.

Affordable therapy for children, adolescents, and adults

Discover new paths
to change your life.

With years of experience counseling clients of all ages and personal challenges, Don Zablosky offers valuable assistance to individuals who genuinely seek to make positive changes in their lives. To benefit from his guidance, individuals need to be willing to confront their beliefs and habits, an endeavor that may not be as intimidating as it initially seems. Investing time in self-reflection and examining the various aspects that shape their identity is key to personal growth.


Don Zablosky’s rational approach proves highly effective for adults seeking to gain insight into their circumstances and initiate transformative changes in their lives. When working with children, Don Zablosky adapts the approach by actively involving the significant adults in their lives. This involvement allows the adults to gain a deeper understanding of the child and acquire the necessary skills to positively influence their behaviors.


Unveil the Mystery of Adolescence with Don Zablosky – learn to navigate your path to self-definition amidst myriad influences. With his guidance, make informed choices, uncover your desires, and shape your identity. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowered by Don’s expertise. Discover the untapped potential within you and emerge as a confident individual ready to conquer the challenges of adolescence and beyond.


Don Zablosky works with children as young as three, employing a distinct approach compared to his work with older individuals. He recognizes that children are greatly influenced by their surroundings, and it is through these environments that he can shape and guide them. Don collaborates closely with families and caregivers, imparting valuable behavioral skills that can be implemented within the home setting. Growth begins with the environment.

Let go.
A better future awaits.

Take charge of your well-being by learning to monitor your stress levels with precision. Immerse yourself in the empowering practice of relaxation techniques, equipping yourself with the indispensable tools to thrive both in the present and the chapters yet to unfold.

Reasons to believe.

At its core, Don Zablosky’s counseling is a transformative journey of personal growth and self-discovery. It serves as a nurturing space where you can explore the depths of your emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

One of the most powerful aspects of Don Zablosky’s counseling is the emotional support and validation it provides. In this non-judgmental and empathetic environment, you are free to express yourself openly and honestly. Your counselor is there to listen, understand, and guide you through difficult times. This unwavering support can be transformative, allowing you to heal emotional wounds, develop resilience, and find the strength to overcome challenges.

Is Therapy Right for Me?

If you face challenges in relationships, struggle with mental health, or need guidance in navigating life’s complexities, therapy offers support and tools for you. Take the first step towards a happier, healthier you and explore the possibilities of therapy with Don Zablosky today.

Change Is Possible

Change is not just a concept, but a tangible reality. Through his empathetic guidance and evidence-based techniques, Don Zablosky will help you navigate the complexities of personal growth and embark on a transformative journey where a brighter future awaits.

Main Benefits of Therapy

Therapy provides numerous life-improving benefits. Counseling grants a safe, confidential space for expressing yourself without judgment. Don’s compassionate approach fosters insights into emotions, behaviors, and thought patterns, empowering meaningful change.

Develop good habits.
Learn to relax.

Stress is a side effect of the complexities of life. Effectively managing stress and incorporating breathing techniques requires a customized and adaptable approach tailored to one’s unique personality and mindset.

Meet D.Z.
Life experiences teach us all.

Through self-discovery, I’ve learned how my experiences and reactions shape my view of the world. This awareness has empowered me to break free from the chains of habitual reactions. No longer confined by unconscious patterns, I now embrace the freedom to navigate life’s events with intention and purpose.

Stress less.
Love more.

Open and honest communication in a safe environment fosters understanding, empathy, and mutual growth. Discover how counseling can empower you to build healthier and more fulfilling relationships, free from the burdens of stress. Take the first step towards a happier and harmonious connection today.

Insurance plans accepted.

Questions and

We know you’ve got tons of questions and we’re here to help. What is a session like? What about insurance? Where are you located? And so on… We’re here to provide clarity and address some common inquiries.